Sunday, April 17, 2011

Golden Gate Bridge at Dusk, Dedicated to My Good Friend Robert Scoble

golden gate bridge at dusk, dedicated to my good friend robert scoble photo

Golden Gate Bridge at Dusk, Dedicated to My Good Friend Robert Scoble

Had a great night tonight hanging out with Robert Scoble. Robert's been a good friend for a while. We originally met at a geek dinner he put on a few years back. He's put on quite a few subsequently. Robert was one of the guys at Microsoft who really got blogging and opened a lot of doors there for me to better understand and interact with the company. He's left Microsoft now (as everyone knows of course) and is working for PodTech. It's an interesting company that is doing a lot of interesting things in video. They are becoming a network of sorts of interesting hosted video. With Robert on board expect great things from the company.

Scoble was at TechCrunch7 and filmed it but it was super noisy at the party and difficult to really have a conversation. We spent a good three hours or so tonight though just talking one on one about photography, video, photo sharing sites, etc.

Scoble was filming me for a video he's putting together on some of the stuff I've done with digital photography for his new show on PodTech which will launch in mid-September. Be sure to check in with Pod-Tech next month if you want to see a video of our shoot. We decided to do our photo shoot together down by the Golden Gate Bridge -- and what a fantastic night it was.

The weather was warm and a beautiful bank of clouds rolled in over the bridge as we shot and talked a ton about digital photography. It really was one of the best nights to shoot the bridge. I always enjoy talking about photography with Robert. He used to work in a camera store and likes to photo geek out and talk about things like prime lenses and the what not.

Afterwards we took a walk up Chestnut Street and had dinner at Andale, a nice Mexican Restaurant. Man Robert is a fast blogger. He blogged about our photowalk right there while we had dinner.

It was great to catch up with Robert and hang out one on one. For a set of some of the images from tonight Click through here.

Scoble has his promo up for his new show here: Media. podtech. net/media/2006/09/PID_000960/Podtech__Previ...