Saturday, July 4, 2009

Alone in Silence

alone in silence photo

Alone in Silence

No end to this road ahead, my choice alone it was to take. Fear is to think that I will fall asleep when I'm still dire need of rest...oh where is she to phone and give me strength and zest? I beg to please communicate before I fall into sleep, phone and say you are mine to forever hold and keep. I notice bent pole has a broken wire, my incessant fears could have been much less dire!; unbeknownst I pray - heard only by this lone discarded rock..."her heart I need to enter when I arrive with love and knock"...

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Rainy Night

rainy night photo

Rainy Night

I love to drive in the rain; especially at night. Most especially on summer nights. On backroads, mainstreets, highways. ~ View On Black

Sometimes I will leave the house during a summer storm, and just sit in the car - listening to the rain hit the windshield and patter on the roof. And the air....smells....ah, so sweet and fresh.

Thunder rumbles in the distance, gaining power and volume and sharpness until it cracks like a whip right overhead - scaring the shit out of me, even though I knew it was coming. Then, it rumbles itself away.

Lightening sizzles, slides and crackles its way across the sky. Water forms pools and puddles, and little flash-flood rivers run along the curb faster than they can flow down the drain. We used to splash our way through these little, mini-lakes when we were kids - getting our shoes and feet and pants wet. Our Mom's would yell; but it was worth it.

And, of course, everything glistens in the light.

I sleep better during summer storms.