Thursday, August 6, 2009

Incredible girl resting

incredible girl resting photo

incredible girl resting

Mukha is constantly doing incredible things, but there are 4 extraordinary things she has done recently that i never want to forget. i had to write them down, thought i would share them!

About a month ago:.

We were playing and she hit my lip really hard with her head. it stunned me and i turned away from her to stabilize. when i turned back around, she looked at me gently and curiously and sniffed towards my lip, then she dropped her toy and gave me a kiss on my hurt lip! it hurt when she did it, but she definitely made the pain go away because i started laughing and being so amazed at how awesome she is! thank you for kissing my booboo mukha!

About a week after that:.

Sometimes she likes to sit by the fence and spy on things in the yard next door. one day she was doing this for about 10 minutes while i was leaning against the trampoline talking to my mom on the phone. suddenly, she turned around and lightly trotted straight over to me, jumped up gently and gave me a kiss right on the lips and then left! it was so deliberate! thank you for being such a lovebug!

About a week ago:.

It was evening and the sky was pale and dull. usually, at this time, the treetops are bright orange from the sun setting, but they weren't. everything was bla.

We were playing when she stopped and looked at the sky. i was trying to get her attention back to playing again. she looked at me and looked back at the same area in the sky, as if to say 'look!' so i turned and saw a flock of flaming orange geese flying low in the sky. their color was so intense and the only color in the sky. they looked huge. it was so beautiful. thank you mukha chan for showing that to me!

The day after that:.

We were playing in the backyard, she was running back to me with her ball and i was jumping up and down clapping and cheering her on. when she got to me, i was still jumping and she ran under me while i was airborne and she took my legs out and i totally landed on the ground on my side! it was hilarious! it didn't hurt at all, which is really amazing. it happened in such slow motion. i jumped up in a vertical line and landed in a horizontal line. i laughed for the rest of the day about it! thank you mukha for making me laugh so much and not hurting me!

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